Photo feature- Finding my True Self

It’s a famous saying that everything happens for a reason. And that reason causes change. Sometimes the change is hard to accept but in the end it’s all for the best. Out of the blue, in March 2020 the World Health Organisation announced COVID-19 as the pandemic for the entire world. Owing to this the life has suddenly come to a halt…total shut down, everybody was shocked and people are being caged inside their houses. In this time of lockdown and social distancing, some people have taken this time for their complete rejuvenation and on the other hand, a few of them are under depression seeing such scary scenario. We are not able to go out for social gatherings but through our rapid use of digital gadgets we have got an opportunity to know and connect with people virtually throughout the world. So the entire world has come closer in this time of emergency.

Meanwhile, during this rough patch of time ‘I’ also met myself …Yes, I have come to know the actual ‘Me’ who otherwise I left somewhere during the chasing journey of my life’s primary goals. This hard time of lockdown has taught me the actual meaning of ‘LIFE’. With advancement of technology I have realized that we humans have come so far and forgotten the real sense of life. There comes a time in life where you have to face the reality. Through this pandemic the almighty has shown us that for every worldly thing we runs after all over our lives is entirely meaningless. Our all desires are of no use. We are mere puppets of the super power ‘GOD’. This superpower has once again demonstrated that ‘We’ are just souls and with great solemnity playing our roles as father/mother, son/daughter, husband/wife and so on in this drama called ‘LIFE’. This is a bit philosophical but it is the truth of life. I also wonder sometimes that if ‘We’ have no connection to our body-mind-personality at the moment then we are merely pure pious souls without any feelings of anger, love or hatred. In this time of emergency I have also found my true self. And indeed, the greatest and most mysterious journey of our lives is to discover who we really are?

I believe, in this journey of self searching or self realization one should not be self-centered, but to be the most valuable human being and should lead a life of humanity or as the purest soul one has to serve others.

So, self realization is actually knowing yourself and living a life with serenity. When there is no peace or serenity in life, joy will not be there and life will eventually become meaningless.

Self-realization helps a person to attain the skill of letting go and at the same time helps anyone taking hold on his/her emotions. Through self realization a person can easily identify the state of distraction or meaningless things that are exist in life and can remain committed to what matters most. By being deeply connected to yourself, self-realization frees a person from any worries of life. A person can freely express emotions and able to form deeper relationships through the technique of self realization.

In a broader spectrum, if we want to implement the expedition of self realization in practice then it is possible by following a disciplined life-style; doing meditation and yoga techniques on regular basis. Self-realization takes some time and practice to happen in reality, but if people turn the practice in to a habit then they can have precise control over their life.

Concisely, this time has not only shown the real essence of life to me but also gave an insight to know my inner self so closely!!!

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