Published in Lokmat Times Editorial Page on 21 June 2015 International Yoga Day A YOGA LEGAND- SURAJ KARAN JINDEL Jindel is a walking...
ByJournalist AnubhaJune 21, 2016Published in Maharashtra’s leading Newspaper LOKMAT TIMES on 21 June 2016 To read the story Page 7 of the given link YOGA...
ByJournalist AnubhaJune 21, 2016Published photo article in Sunday Special ZEST LOKMAT TIMES Newspaper 12 June 2016
ByJournalist AnubhaJune 14, 2016Published in Tina Ambani’s Harmony Celebrate Age Magazine Nine-time legislator in the Rajasthan Assembly, Sumitra Singh is the common man’s best friend...
ByJournalist AnubhaMay 29, 2016JAIPUR LIT FEST 2015 PUBLISHED: Seasonal Magazine Page: 43-45
ByJournalist AnubhaMay 10, 2016