Exclusive Anchor Story : https://www.lokmattimes.com/national/the-first-government-run-human-breast-milk-bank-has-become-a-lifeline-for-many-infants-a475/ https://www.lokmatnews.in/india/bengaluru-first-human-breast-milk-bank-run-by-the-government-of-karnataka-became-a-lifeline-for-many-b668/
ByJournalist AnubhaAugust 6, 2023Exclusive Interview- Dr. Rajendra Singh with Journalist Anubha in the June 2023 edition of WeConnect national magazine.
ByJournalist AnubhaJuly 23, 2023Aamne saamne ki baat got the honour to talk directly with Yogi Sadhguru. My exclusive one-on-one interview with Sadhguru published in the national...
ByJournalist AnubhaJune 24, 2023Exclusive one-on-one interview with Sadhguru published in the national newspaper Lokmat Times English and Marathi all editions editorial page on June 21st, 2023....
ByJournalist AnubhaJune 24, 2023Exclusive photo feature New Delhi National Newspaper Editorial Page and in web portals like Lokmat and Media Darbar Lokmat Samachar: https://www.lokmatnews.in/india/bengalurus-puttanahalli-lake-revived-after-10-years-of-tireless-efforts-b659/ Media Darbar : https://wp.me/p1yHKl-2so
ByJournalist AnubhaApril 25, 2023My exclusive article in “We Connect” (a magazine from Pune, Maharashtra) recent February 2023 issue.
ByJournalist AnubhaMarch 20, 2023My exclusive photo article published in various prominent national newspapers editorial page. English national newspaper Lokmat Times all editions. https://www.lokmattimes.com/national/diya-ghar-filling-colors-to-the-shadowy-lives-of-children-from-migrant-labourer-communities-a475/ Media darbar: https://mediadarbar.com/9213/diya-ghar-from-darkness-to-light/...
ByJournalist AnubhaMarch 17, 2023Being a journalist, on the occasion of Intl. Women’s Day got the privilege and invited as the Chief Guest by the All India...
ByJournalist AnubhaMarch 12, 2023My exclusive interview with Dr.Ujwala Chakradeo Vice Chancellor of SNDT WOMEN’S UNIVERSITY on the issue of women empowerment and gender inequality. In National...
ByJournalist AnubhaFebruary 4, 2023