Dr. Anubha Jain is a Senior Journalist Author associated with Eenadu TV, Lokmat Media & All India Radio — handling diverse domains – politics, economics, wildlife, space, science & technology and specializes in tracking social and economic changes taking place in the country. Based in Bengaluru she's recognised for her work in journalism, advocacy for women's empowerment and one-on-one interviews with prominent personalities.
416 Articles0 CommentsAt District 3190’s annual award function, our club Rotary Bangalore Southwest RBSW has received awards and recognitions in various categories. As the Director...
ByJournalist AnubhaAugust 2, 2021Invited to FICCI Flo’s wonderful interactive session “Turn setbacks into comebacks”. Speaker of the session was renowned motivational business consultant, Indian author, educator,...
ByJournalist AnubhaJuly 31, 2021Invited as one of the delegates at the Confederation of Indian Industry and Society of Indian Defence Manufacturers- CII ISDA 2021 summit held...
ByJournalist AnubhaJuly 31, 2021A candid conversation with INDIA TV’s famous anchor cum journalist Rajat Sharma Ji. During the session, Rajat Sharma shared his professional journey and...
ByJournalist AnubhaJuly 22, 2021My exclusive article on Karnataka’s Bandipur national park and interview with director project tiger and field conservative in New Delhi’s National Newspaper and...
ByJournalist AnubhaJune 29, 2021As one of the invitees, attended a great session, on India Sweden Defence Industry Cooperation today on a virtual platform. Chief Guest of...
ByJournalist AnubhaJune 8, 2021On the occasion of World Environment Day as d Secretary Designate (2021-22) for Rotary Bangalore got a great opportunity to interact and witness...
ByJournalist AnubhaJune 6, 2021As the Secretary 2021-22 of Rotary Bangalore Southwest got the privilege to interact with Rotary International’s first woman President for 2022-23 Jennifer E....
ByJournalist AnubhaMay 23, 2021My exclusive story on child trafficking in Lokmat Times National Newspaper https://www.lokmattimes.com/national/an-effective-reintegration-program-is-a-dire-need-for-rescued-children-a475/ Gujarat Maharashtra national epaper ‘Lifenews’. To read the entire feature pls...
ByJournalist AnubhaMay 19, 2021Piece published in National Newspaper First India and on Rotary International website https://covid19.rotarydistrict3190.org/pandemicandchildern/ With Covid-19 children’s giant leap by virtue of online...
ByJournalist AnubhaMay 19, 2021