Thursday , 6 February 2025
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Dr. Anubha Jain is a Senior Journalist Author associated with Eenadu TV, Lokmat Media & All India Radio — handling diverse domains – politics, economics, wildlife, space, science & technology and specializes in tracking social and economic changes taking place in the country. Based in Bengaluru she's recognised for her work in journalism, advocacy for women's empowerment and one-on-one interviews with prominent personalities.

416 Articles0 Comments
AwardsPersonal published interviews

Invited as the judge for Bangalore’s St. Joseph pre university’s college fest “EQUINOX”

Privilege to be invited as the judge for the debate competition of Bangalore’s St. Joseph pre university’s college fest “EQUINOX”. It was so...

ColumnsFeatures/EditorialsPersonal published interviewsSpecial Stories

Lokmat Samachar Utsav 2022 Spl. Story

My super exclusive photo feature article in one of the most prestigious Maharashtra’s prominent national lokmat Media’s Diwali special issue UTSAV 2022.

11th World Hindi ConferenceColumnsFeatures/EditorialsInterviewSpecial Stories

One more enthralling story penned My trip to Mauritius, a few unknown facts about the land of paradise, festivities, and festival of lights,...

ColumnsFeatures/EditorialsInterviewSocial IssuesSpecial Stories

Exclusive Photo Feature- “Aashayein”-The transformative journey of jail inmates

The transformative journey of Jail Inmates – “Aashayein” brings a new ray of hope to the inert life of prisoners Nel Delhi, Mumbai,...


Invited as one of the core members of the syllabus approval board of St. Joseph College Bangalore

Invited as one of the core members of the syllabus approval board of St.Joseph College Bangalore. It was an honour for me that...

AudioPersonal published interviewsSocial IssuesSpecial Stories

Invited to All India Radio for an exclusive talk on “Women in leadership roles and equality of gender”

Invited to All India Radio, Bengaluru for my exclusive talk on “Women in Leadership roles and equality of gender for a sustainable world”....

Rotary International

An International Service Cultural Exchange- RI Dist. 3190 & Dist. 3300 (India & Malaysia)

As a part of the International Service Cultural Exchange, an Inter-Country Cultural Quiz was organized virtually on July 12th, 2022. Over 125 participants...

Features/EditorialsSocial IssuesSpecial Stories

Exclusive feature story- Lakshmi K. Chudawat from Purdah to People

My exclusive photo article in Maharashtra’s National English and Hindi Local daily Lokmat Samachar nd Lokmat Times, New Delhi national newspaper Amrit India...

Rotary International

As the Director International Service of Rotary Bangalore Southwest invited in the awareness program on Rotary Action Groups of RI Dist 3190

As the Director of International Service of Rotary Bangalore Southwest participated and joined on behalf of Rotary Bangalore Southwest (as one of the...

Features/EditorialsInterviewPress ReportsSocial IssuesSpecial Stories

Exclusive Photo Feature- On the verge of extinction- The Bustards

My exclusive photo article in First India national newspaper Mumbai, New Delhi, Ahmedabad, nd Rajasthan all editions; New Delhi’s national newspaper Amrit India...